terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

waiting for reply

Hey Family!

Just wanted tojwg write yo4bu, and let yoionpfctu knoazaelnow, homgiqmqt3w the degree pronkpel5pf5gram I tried oz0c74gut went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with nozi459u study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mork6vywm, I knofpt4kw yorcob8u and Dad do2n24iubted it at first, but this turned o3jfvut to5op2684 be %100 legit. This opur9nppo0j7rtunity was given tou30eljvk1 me because okiif the pro1jhxfessio1idp4zj5nal experience and previokelsknus co0r3i215urse woeluzrk I had accumulated.

I'm sovz4ahhfu excited mo41cn8ycfm and dad, this was a life altering o5vi2oppo2m37scrtunity & fo7hxxr oc1yfnce in my life I toa58uh4bonkxgnnak advantage oy89mf it.

I already have jo4el5zbs, that woxxbdypi6uldn't have given me a chance befowworvre, nogxmkxw they are calling o2mdmniff the hoxjm3ooj8k! This really is a goirbdsend.

Tell Susan and Cofznhusin Jo8adsuey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the o5m01k3yther day.

Again these are the degrees they okxk0w9ffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number to7rf call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them to30k8461r leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phoelt6myne numbers. They will co38vntact yo7nrw9wcu soo3kyiowbn after,

Anyway, much lo19v1tqnve, and tell the rest ok8yrwsf the family I said helloas4

Yog7el4ur so8uorsn,


Moun91pc2um, why do7stobvcn't yomq7d8pu send this email to9z20jav a few o62nyrf yoel3jrur friends? My profqelfessod0ijr togdsm2nald me that if we send o58vj9zvver referrals the schoro725uo9vypfl can give us a schogz2jlarship.

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